Plus tard, j'y ajouterai les Instatrucs.
Oh, came an era !
Well... I make dumb puns in both English and French to say that I have added two more three shots in my PhotoStuff folder.
I will add some InstaStuff later.
Au sol suintant une bave de boue, calomnie gluante, au tas de
fumier dégageant ses miasmes grouillant, putride de vie, à cette
atmosphère d'apocalypse loupée, un hiver schizophrène, nous avons fait
le serment, peu importe l'état de la route, d'y aller.
To this ground which oozes a muddy slobber - slimy slander -, to the dunghill which releases its teeming miasma - putrid of lives -, to this the atmosphere of missed Apocalypse - a schizophrenic winter-, we vowed - regardless of road conditions - to go.
To this ground which oozes a muddy slobber - slimy slander -, to the dunghill which releases its teeming miasma - putrid of lives -, to this the atmosphere of missed Apocalypse - a schizophrenic winter-, we vowed - regardless of road conditions - to go.
Au nord du pays éphémère, un vrai film à l'horizon
At the north of the ephemeral land, a real movie on the horizon.
On Deviantart or Facebook too
At the north of the ephemeral land, a real movie on the horizon.
On Deviantart or Facebook too
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Le château Mennechet, ruiné, ne reçoit plus que les courants d'air et ses brumes inachevées.
The castle of Mennechet, ruined, only receives drafts and its unfinished mists.
The castle of Mennechet, ruined, only receives drafts and its unfinished mists.
Entrecroisons-nous en pics d'idées, connexion, connexion, tout est
connexion. Triangulaires interjections, champs électromagnétiques,
c'n'est qu'un poteau, hey!
Pick us up on peaks of ideas, connection, connection, connection is everything. Triangular interjections, electromagnetic fields, it's only a post, hey!
On Deviantart or Facebook too
Pick us up on peaks of ideas, connection, connection, connection is everything. Triangular interjections, electromagnetic fields, it's only a post, hey!
On Deviantart or Facebook too
On Deviantart or Facebook too
"J’ai cru voir, en entrant sous vos ombrages verts, le séjour des ombres heureuses."

"I thought I saw, coming under your green shades, the sojourn of happy shadows."
By Antoine de Bertin
On Deviantart

Maybe Through.06|january|2013
On Deviantart
Des figures sur les murs, lève les yeux et relève encore.
Figures on the walls, looked up and rises again.
At the Cinémathèque Française, exposition Jacques Demy /exhibition Jacques Demy
On Deviantart
Répliques des robes couleur du Temps, de la Lune et du Soleil du film Peau d'Âne - avec Jean Marais et Catherine Deneuve, entres autres - à l'exposition Jacques Demy.
[à la Cinémathèque Française , Paris]
Replicas of the dresses color of Weather, Moon and Sun from the film Donkey Skin at the Jacques Demy exhibition.
[Cinémathèque Française, Paris]
On Deviantart.
[Cinémathèque Française, Paris]
On Deviantart.
Et, tant qu'à parler de Demy, voici deux extraits du film liés à ces robes.
About Demy and his Donkey Skin, two extracts related to the movie - english subtitles.
About Demy and his Donkey Skin, two extracts related to the movie - english subtitles.
That's all Folks !!
C'est toujours un gros plaisir de te suivre sur Instagram :)
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